
Our Expertise

oUR impact


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Institute of Social Development Partnership

Non-governmental organization serving in the fields of civil democracy and ​development. LKPS was established in Jakarta on 7 November 2003 by a group of ​social researchers, lecturers, and ac vists who are interested in regional ​development analysis and review

Institute of Social Development Partnership

Non-governmental organization serving in the fields of civil democracy and ​development. LKPS was established in Jakarta on 7 November 2003 by a group of ​social researchers, lecturers, and ac vists who are interested in regional ​development analysis and review


Jl. Abdul Wahab No. 8, ​Sawangan - Depok 16511



SK Kemenkumham

AHU-0004971.AH.01.07 ​Tahun 2017

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We intend to create ​and further develop ​partnership with all par ​es in the framework of ​human- oriented ​construc on.

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Vision and Mission

Vision and Mission


  1. Enhancement of social structure ​and human resource capacity ​through educa on.
  2. Developmental analysis and ​research.
  3. Dissemina ng cri cal thinking and ​alterna ve construc onal ideas.
  4. Development of strategic alliance ​with other ins tu ons.
  5. Development of other ac vi es ​according to the goals of this ins ​tu on.
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Research and Analysis

We delve into critical development ​issues, providing valuable insights ​to policymakers and practitioners.

Our Expertise

Our Expertise

Capacity Icon

Institutional Capacity ​Buildingrces

We strengthen the capabilities of ​institutions at national, regional, ​and local levels to implement ​effective social development ​strategies.

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Community ​Empowerment

We work directly with communities, ​empowering them with knowledge, ​skills, and resources to drive their ​own development.

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Social Advocacy

We raise awareness and advocate ​for policies that promote social ​justice, equity, and inclusivity.

Our Impact

Our Impact

Over the years, LKPS has made significant ​contributions to social development in Indonesia. ​Our projects and initiatives have touched the ​lives of countless individuals and communities, ​empowering them to build a better future.

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We believe in the power of ​collaboration. Join us in our mission to ​create a more equitable and ​sustainable society. Whether you are an ​individual, organization, or institution, ​there are many ways to get involved ​and make a difference.

We believe in the power of ​collaboration. Join us in our mission to ​create a more equitable and ​sustainable society. Whether you are an ​individual, organization, or institution, ​there are many ways to get involved ​and make a difference.

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Jl. Abdul Wahab No. 8, ​Sawangan - Depok 16511

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